Thursday, March 12, 2015

Diaper - Soil Experiment

Guinea Pig: Carrie


According to the video below, featured on facebook in's "Colored Water" post, you can mix potting soil with the absorbant powder found in diapers to create a mixture that retains moisture for your plants for a long period of time.


Per the instructions in the video, we dissected a (Luvs) diaper and mixed it with some potting soil when re-potting a houseplant.  As the video suggested, we found this did in fact retain the moisture in the soil a little longer than soil without the mixture.  Instead of watering once a wek, watering could now be spaced out about 9-10 days.
However, there are drawbacks to this method, as pointed out by Guinea Pig Carrie.  She says, "... It makes a mess.  If you've ever experienced the horror that is an exploded diaper full of baby pee, you know what I'm talking about. The crystals that do the absorbing find their way into every nook and cranny and they're sticky little buggers. Even dry for this experiment, they didn't stay neatly contained between diaper and pot. Plus you have to destroy a fifteen cent diaper. " The mess was amplified by the fact that the soil from the original potted plant was still a little damp. 

No worries about that powder-fresh diaper smell.  There was no discernable change in the smell of the plant or soil.
Also, this powder can be bought in a store without the need for dissecting a diaper.  Shop for "Sodium Polyacrylate."
It does allow you to go slightly longer between watering, but it's messy. If you REALLY want to try this, consider buying the powder as it will cut down some on the waste and mess.